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September 18, 2015, 4pm at OTBC

Find a cofounder - and others who can help - at Founders Seeking CoFounders.
  • Enter your name and email so we can contact you
  • Enter your LinkedIn profile if you'd like attendees to be able to contact you (we'll publish a list of attendees with their LinkedIn links)
  • Describe your startup (in a sentence or two)
  • Describe CoFounder skills you are seeking (and/or skills you have to offer a startup)
We look forward to seeing you on Sep 18!

First name
Last name
Startup name
LinkedIn Profile URL
Startup description
CoFounder skills you need (and/or skills you have)
Your email address
I would like to (mark all that apply):
I would like to (mark all that apply)::Find Cofounders
I would like to (mark all that apply)::Find/join a startup
I would like to (mark all that apply)::Help a startup